Anti-Actin Monoclonal Antibody (Clone:HHF35)

Product code: 30-1421

Clone name : HHF35
Clonality : Monoclonal
Application : WB
Reactivity : Human

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Format : Purified
Amount : 0.1 mg
Isotype : Mouse IgG1
Purification : Purified by protein-A affinity chromatography
Storage condition : Store at 2-8°C. Do not freeze.
Gene : ACTA1
Gene ID : 58
Uniprot ID : P68133
Alternative Name : Alpha-actin-1, ACTA
Immunogen Information : SDS extracted protein fraction of human myocardium

Actin is a highly conserved ubiquitous globular protein (G-actin) that polymerizes to form fibrous F-actin microfilaments. In higher eucaryotes several actin isoforms have been identified, that fall into three classes. Alpha actin is a structural component of the contractile apparatus of muscle cells or muscle-derived cells. Beta actin and gamma actin play roles in regulation of cell motility in other cell types. Specific subcellular structures such as as stress fibers, focal adhesions, filopodia etc., are formed by involvement of actin cytoskeleton.

Western Blotting Recommended dilution:1 µg/ml
Positive control:murine femoral muscle, murine heart
Negative control:HUVEC line

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic/therapeutics procedures.

Subcellular location: Cytoplasm
Post transnational modification: (Microbial infection) Monomeric actin is cross-linked by V.cholerae toxins RtxA and VgrG1 in case of infection: bacterial toxins mediate the cross-link between Lys-51 of one monomer and Glu-271 of another actin monomer, resulting in formation of highly toxic actin oligomers that cause cell rounding (PubMed:19015515). The toxin can be highly efficient at very low concentrations by acting on formin homology family proteins: toxic actin oligomers bind with high affinity to formins and adversely affect both nucleation and elongation abilities of formins, causing their potent inhibition in both profilin-dependent and independent manners (PubMed:26228148).
BioGrid: 106587. 17 interactions.
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