Product Categories

TNF-alpha Reporter Assay

DC-SIGN Reporter Assay
Tim-1 Reporter Assay
TLR2 Reporter Assay
TLR3 Reporter Assay
TLR4 Reporter Assay
TLR5 Reporter Assay
TLR7 Reporter Assay
TLR8 Reporter Assay
TLR9 Reporter Assay
RIG-I Reporter Assay
MDA5 Reporter Assay
NF-kB Reporter Assay
NFAT Reporter Assay
GATA3 Reporter Assay
AP-1 Reporter Assay
IL-6 Reporter Assay
IL-8 Reporter Assay
IL-17A Reporter Assay
TNF-alpha Reporter Assay
TNF-beta Reporter Assay
MIP-2 Reporter Assay
STAT1 Reporter Assay
STAT3 Reporter Assay
STAT4 Reporter Assay
STAT5 Reporter Assay
ROR-alpha Reporter Assay
ROR-gamma Reporter Assay
ROR-gamma(t) Reporter Assay
Nrf2 Reporter Assay
Hypoxia Reporter Assay
iNOS Reporter Assay
Wnt Reporter Assay
p53 Reporter Assay
SRE Reporter Assay
SRF-RE Reporter Assay
CRE Reporter Assay

ABEOMICS custom TNF-alpha reporter assay utilizes the proprietary TNF-alpha reporter cell line system. TNF-alpha is a cytokine produced primarily by macrophages and promotes the inflammatory responses associated with autoimmune disorders. TNF-alpha reporter system is designed to monitor the TNF-alpha promoter activity. TNF-alpha reporter assay services include screening of agonists/antagonists that affect the TNF-alpha induction, EC50/IC50 evaluation of those agonists/inhibitors/inhibitory antibodies, and functional analysis of TNF-alpha induction-related signaling pathways. Assay results will contain a written report and downloadable Excel- or Prism-based data.

TNF-alpha Reporter Assay