Product Categories

STAT5 Reporter Assay

DC-SIGN Reporter Assay
Tim-1 Reporter Assay
TLR2 Reporter Assay
TLR3 Reporter Assay
TLR4 Reporter Assay
TLR5 Reporter Assay
TLR7 Reporter Assay
TLR8 Reporter Assay
TLR9 Reporter Assay
RIG-I Reporter Assay
MDA5 Reporter Assay
NF-kB Reporter Assay
NFAT Reporter Assay
GATA3 Reporter Assay
AP-1 Reporter Assay
IL-6 Reporter Assay
IL-8 Reporter Assay
IL-17A Reporter Assay
TNF-alpha Reporter Assay
TNF-beta Reporter Assay
MIP-2 Reporter Assay
STAT1 Reporter Assay
STAT3 Reporter Assay
STAT4 Reporter Assay
STAT5 Reporter Assay
ROR-alpha Reporter Assay
ROR-gamma Reporter Assay
ROR-gamma(t) Reporter Assay
Nrf2 Reporter Assay
Hypoxia Reporter Assay
iNOS Reporter Assay
Wnt Reporter Assay
p53 Reporter Assay
SRE Reporter Assay
SRF-RE Reporter Assay
CRE Reporter Assay

ABEOMICS custom STAT5 reporter assay utilizes the proprietary STAT5 reporter cell line system. Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 5 (STAT5) is involved in regulation of cell cycle, apoptosis and proliferation. Aberrant STAT5 activity is closely related to a wide range of human cancers as  STAT5 is often found to be constitutively phosphorylated in cancer cells. STAT5 reporter system is designed to monitor the STAT5 transcriptional activity. STAT5 reporter assay services include screening of STAT5 agonists/antagonists, EC50/IC50 evaluation of those molecules, and functional analysis of STAT5 signaling pathways. Assay results will contain a written report and downloadable Excel- or Prism-based data.

STAT5 Reporter Assay