
Mouse Monoclonal Antibody to CD38(Clone :BS3)

Product code: 10-12533

Clone name : BS3
Clonality : Monoclonal
Application : IHC
Reactivity : Human

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Available Pack Size(s)

  •   0.1 ml

  •  0.5 ml

  • $689.00 

  • $1,130.00 


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For estimated delivery dates, please contact us at support@abeomics.com

Amount : 0.5 ml
Content : TRIS with 0.03% sodium azide, pH7.2
Storage condition : Store at 4°C
Gene : Cd38
Gene ID : 12494
Uniprot ID : P56528
Alternative Name : T10, CD38

CD38 is a type II integral membrane glycoprotein which is present on early B and T cell lineages and activated B and T cells but is absent from most mature resting peripheral lymphocytes. CD38 is also found on thymocytes, pre-B cells, germinal center B cells, mitogen-activated T cells, monocytes and Ig-secreting plasma cells. CD38 acts as a NAD glycohydrolase in T lym- phocytes. On hematopoietic cells CD38 induces activation, proliferation, and differentiation of mature T and B cells and mediates apoptosis of myeloid and lymphoid progenitor cells. In addition to acting as a signaling receptor, CD38 is also an enzyme capable of producing several calcium-mobilizing metabo- lites, including cyclic adenosine diphosphate ribose (cADPR). CD38 also plays a role in maintaining survival of an invariant NK T (iNKT) cell subset that preferentially contributes to the maintenance of immunological tolerance.

Immunohistochemical Analysis :-1:200

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic/therapeutics procedures.

Subcellular location: Membrane
BioGrid: 198590. 1 interactions.
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