The quality of the samples and equal loading are assessed using loading control antibodies. Proteins used as loading controls are generally chosen for their abundance and widespread expression in all cell types and tissues. Loading controls serve several functions in a Western blot analysis. First, loading controls offer a quantitative research approach that enables researchers to estimate the protein concentrations in each lane even when they have not been loaded uniformly. To account for the variations in loading, the density of the loading control band is implemented. Loading controls improve the quality of the data obtained by helping to correct mistakes and guarantee the correctness of the data utilized to draw important conclusions. Beta-actin and GADPH are two proteins with widespread high expression that are frequently utilized as loading controls.
Abeomics has created a variety of loading controls, including GAPDH, Beta actin, Beta Tubulin, and Anti-beta-tubulin, among others, to aid scientists and researchers in conducting their study effectively.