Anti-HSV1 (gC) Monoclonal Antibody (Clone:T96)

Product code: 30-1214

Clone name : T96
Clonality : Monoclonal
Application : WB, ICC, ELISA
Reactivity : HSV

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0.1 mg

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Format : Purified
Amount : 0.1 mg
Isotype : Mouse IgG2b
Purification : Purified by precipitation and chromatography
Storage condition : Store at 2-8°C. Do not freeze.
Immunogen Information : Exctract of HSV-1 infected VERO (green monkey kidney) cells.
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) is a virus that manifests itself in two common viral infections. There are actually two types of Herpes Simplex Virus, HSV1 and HSV2. These are very similar in many ways, and both can cause either oral herpes or genital herpes. HSV1 - most commonly develops into Oral Herpes infecting the lips (fever blisters or cold sores). HSV1 can also infect the genital area causing sores to develop. HSV2 - generally infects the genital area (Genital Herpes); however, HSV2 can also infect the mouth.
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