Anti-CD99 Monoclonal Antibody (Clone:3B2/TA8)-APC Conjugated

Product code: 30-1785

Clone name : 3B2/TA8
Clonality : Monoclonal
Application : FACS
Reactivity : Human
Conjugate : APC

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Amount : 100 tests
Isotype : Mouse IgG2a
Storage condition : Store in the dark at 2-8°C. Do not freeze. Avoid prolonged exposure to light.
Gene : CD99
Gene ID : 4267
Uniprot ID : P14209
Alternative Name : CD99, MIC2, MIC2X, MIC2Y
Immunogen Information : Human thymocytes
CD99 is a ubiquitous transmembrane type I sialoglycoprotein of a unique and poorly characterized protein family. CD99 is heavily O-glycosylated and was described as a T cell costimulator and strong activator of integrin-mediated actin cytoskeleton assembly, promoting cell adhesion and homotypic aggregation, immediate arrest on an inflamed vascular endothelium, and cell migration through it. Ligation of CD99 under some conditions can lead to apoptosis. Originally CD99 was described as a human thymus leukemia antigen, an Ewing´s sarcoma-specific membrane marker, and an adhesion molecule involved in spontaneous rosette formation of T cells with erythrocytes.
Subcellular location: Membrane
Post transnational modification: Extensively O-glycosylated.
BioGrid: 110420. 16 interactions.
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