Anti-CD84 Monoclonal Antibody (Clone:CD84.1.21)-FITC Conjugated

Product code: 30-2077

Clone name : CD84.1.21
Clonality : Monoclonal
Application : FACS, IP, Functional Assay
Reactivity : Human
Conjugate : FITC

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Amount : 100 tests
Isotype : Mouse IgG2a
Storage condition : Store in the dark at 2-8°C. Do not freeze. Avoid prolonged exposure to light.
Gene : CD84
Gene ID : 8832
Uniprot ID : Q9UIB8
Alternative Name : CD84, SLAMF5
Immunogen Information : CD84-transfected 300.19 cell line
CD84 is a highly glycosylated homophilic receptor of SLAM family. It is expressed on platelets and various types of leukocytes, especially following their activation. Ligation of CD84 leads to its phosphorylation on tyrosine residues within the cytoplasmic tail. These docking sites are recognized by downstream signaling molecules, such as phosphatase SHP-2 and adaptor protein SAP/SH2D1A. The function of CD84 has not been fully elucidated yet. Although predominantly activating receptor, its modulating activity was also demonstrated.
Subcellular location: Cell membrane
Post transnational modification: N-glycosylated.
Tissue Specificity: Predominantly expressed in hematopoietic tissues, such as lymph node, spleen and peripheral leukocytes. Expressed in macrophages, B-cells, monocytes, platelets, thymocytes, T-cells and dendritic cells. Highly expressed in memory T-cells. Expressed in mast cells.
BioGrid: 114359. 6 interactions.
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