Anti-CD59 / Protectin Monoclonal Antibody (Clone:MEM-129)-Azide free

Product code: 30-1015

Clone name : MEM-129
Clonality : Monoclonal
Application : Functional Assay
Reactivity : Human

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Format : Purified
Amount : 0.1 mg
Isotype : Mouse IgM
Purification : Purified by precipitation and chromatography
Content : Concentration: 1 mg/ml
Formulation : Tris buffered saline (TBS), pH 8.0
Storage condition : Store at 2-8°C. Do not freeze.
Gene : CD59
Gene ID : 966
Uniprot ID : P13987
Alternative Name : CD59, MIC11, MIN1, MIN2, MIN3, MSK21
Immunogen Information : Human peripheral blood lymphocytes

CD59 (Protectin) is a small (18-20 kDa) GPI-anchored ubiquitously expressed inhibitor of the membrane attack complex (MAC). It is thus the key regulator that preserves the autologous cells from terminal effector mechanism of the complement cascade. CD59 associates with C5b-8 complex and thereby counteracts appropriate formation of cytolytic pore within the plasma membrane. CD59 is also an low-affinity ligand of human CD2 and causes T cell costimulation.

Functional Application The antibody MEM-129 activates T cells. Flow Cytometry Recommended dilution:2-8 µg/ml

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic/therapeutics procedures.

Subcellular location: Cell membrane, Secreted
Post transnational modification: Glycated. Glycation is found in diabetic subjects, but only at minimal levels in nondiabetic subjects. Glycated CD59 lacks MAC-inhibitory function and confers to vascular complications of diabetes.
BioGrid: 107404. 37 interactions.
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