Anti-alpha, beta-tubulin dimer Monoclonal Antibody (Clone:TU-08)

Product code: 30-1307

Clone name : TU-08
Clonality : Monoclonal
Application : WB
Reactivity : Human

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Format : Purified
Amount : 0.1 mg
Isotype : Mouse IgM
Purification : Purified by precipitation and chromatography
Storage condition : Store at 2-8°C. Do not freeze.
Immunogen Information : Microtubule proteins from porcine brain.

The microtubules are intracellular dynamic polymers made up of evolutionarily conserved polymorphic alpha/beta-tubulin heterodimers and a large number of microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs). The microtubules consist of 13 protofilaments and have an outer diameter 25 nm. Microtubules have their intrinsic polarity; highly dynamic plus ends and less dynamic minus ends. Microtubules are required for vital processes in eukaryotic cells including mitosis, meiosis, maintenance of cell shape and intracellular transport. Microtubules are also necessary for movement of cells by means of flagella and cilia. In mammalian tissue culture cells microtubules have their minus ends anchored in microtubule organizing centers (MTOCs).The GTP (guanosintriphosphate) molecule is an essential for tubulin heterodimer to associate with other heterodimers to form microtubule. In vivo, microtubule dynamics vary considerably. Microtubule polymerization is reversible and a populations of microtubules in cells are on their minus ends either growing or shortening - this phenomenon is called dynamic instability of microtubules. On a practical level, microtubules can easily be stabilized by the addition of non-hydrolysable analogues of GTP (eg. GMPPCP) or more commonly by anti-cancer drugs such as Taxol. Taxol stabilizes microtubules at room temperature for many hours. Using limited proteolysis by enzymes both tubulin subunits can be divided into N-terminal and C-terminal structural domains. The alpha-tubulin (relative molecular weight around 50 kDa) is globular protein that exists in cells as part of soluble alpha/beta-tubulin dimer or it is polymerized into microtubules. In different species it is coded by multiple tubulin genes that form tubulin classes (in human 6 genes). Expressed tubulin genes are named tubulin isotypes. Some of the tubulin isotypes are expressed ubiquitously, while some have more restricted tissue expression. Alpha-tubulin is also subject of numerous post-translational modifications. Tubulin isotypes and their posttranslational modifications are responsible for multiple tubulin charge variants - tubulin isoforms. Heterogeneity of alpha-tubulin is concentrated in C-terminal structural domain. The beta-tubulin (relative molecular weight around 50 kDa) is counterpart of alpha-tubulin in tubulin heterodimer, it is coded by multiple tubulin genes and it is also posttranslationally modified. Heterogeneity of subunit is concentrated in C-terminal structural domain.

Western Blotting Recommended dilution: 5 µg/ml
Positive control: porcine brain lysate
Sample preparation: Mix lysate with reducing Laemmli SDS-PAGE sample buffer.
Application note: Reducing conditions. Immunocytochemistry

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic/therapeutics procedures.

Subcellular location: Cytoplasm
Post transnational modification: Phosphorylated on Ser-172 by CDK1 during the cell cycle, from metaphase to telophase, but not in interphase. This phosphorylation inhibits tubulin incorporation into microtubules.
Tissue Specificity: Major isotype in brain, where it represents 46% of all beta-tubulins. In the brain, highest expression levels in the cerebellum, followed by putamen and white matter. Moderate levels in testis. Very low levels, if any, in other tissues.
BioGrid: 115655. 77 interactions.
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